Our Team

First National Real Estate Wiseland - your premier real estate agency in Box Hill and Gables. Established in 2023 by our experienced director, our roots in this community date back to 2017. Located in the heart of Gables, our local team is committed to providing exceptional service in property resale, management, and off-the-plan projects. 

Choose First National Real Estate Wiseland for a real estate experience that combines local expertise with a genuine commitment to the community. Your journey home begins here.
Our Story
At First National Wiseland, we don't just sell properties; we build connections. As proud members of Box Hill and Gables, our team understands the unique character of the local market. Whether you're buying, selling, or exploring off-the-plan opportunities, our experts are here to guide you through the process with a personalized touch.

As a token of our dedication to the community, we offer free market appraisals. Curious about your property's value? Considering a sale? Let us provide you with insights at no cost.